Human Resource Management :

The term Human Resource Management implies the organizing and managing the employees of an Organization.  Human Resource is the most important asset of an Organization.  In order to properly develop and train the people of an Organization there is a dire need to recruit suitably qualified employees at proper time and at regular intervals.  The size of the Organization is relevant but the people recruited should be of high quality and value and should gain goodwill to the Organization. According to the need of the Organization whether it is big or small Organization, the recruitment of the right people for right job is necessary.  The term Human Resource meant for all levels of Organization.  In each and every small to medium to large Organizations a well equipped Human Resource Department is essential to look after the employee relations and its management.  It is said that if the Human content is properly organized and managed all the other problems of the Organizations will be automatically solved.  

To be more precise the working of a Human Resource Department should be properly managed so that the people working in the Organization will be guided properly and their training is properly done.  There should be specific job description and job assignments should be done in real time to cater to the Organizations needs.  Whether the employees working in a Plant or the casual labor working in small shops and other establishments, the job should be properly conveyed till the employee understand the nature of job and its peculiarities or specifications.  

Human Resource is a wide term and it has multiple meanings for each and every Organization.  The people employed in an Organization should take the job responsibilities with good sense and seriousness.  Casual approach of employee will misguide the Organizations capabilities and its entire dimension will be changed.  When a job is assigned to a person he should bear the required qualification to understand the job properly, without proper understanding of the details of the job one cannot complete the job assigned within the time frame.


An Organization always select employees for various Departments.  All these Departments have an Head of Department to look after the activities of a particular Department.  The Departmental Head is the prime motivator of its employees.  He will decide where employees are needed.  Therefore, the Departmental Head of a particular Department is the prime authority in deciding the manpower position and fulfilling the Departmental requirements.  

For eg. Commercial Department includes Purchase and Materials Stores Sections where employees needs perfection and negotiating power to convince the vendors and contractors. The person appointed will handle purchase of items from the market so the desired person to be recruited should have some prior experience in the field of Procuring items required for the Organization.  Also he needs to know the purchasing terms and should ensure good quality of raw materials to be procured for the Organization's needs. Therefore, the purchase person should have some extra qualities like bargaining power and convincing power to execute the work in timely manner. 

There are various categories of employees needed for a well established firm or establishment.  Like Purchase Department needs Purchase Assistant, Purchasing Manager.  For an HR Department Recruitment Assistants and Recruitment Manager.  For a Mechanical Department requires Technicians and Mechanical Engineer and Manager Mechanical.  For Production Department requires persons having working experience of Operator jobs and Production Manager jobs.  

A well planned Organizational phenomena will work on the back side to attract more and more talented people to the Organizations worth.  When all these categories of employees come together will form a good team for the Organization's betterment.

A fixed policy and pay package and other allowances will fit to Organizations needs and recruitment of employees will be easy when fixing all these essential formalities on the front end.


While selecting employees for an Organization there are multiple criterias' to be followed in Big Organizations.  Well in small Organizations the steps to be followed will be very easy and they do not care for all the pros and cones of the recruitment procedure.  Selection of employees is the stage at which the process of recruitment ends.  In order to select an employee various criterias' like educational qualification of a candidate to his caliber to work on the capacity should be measured.  While recruiting an employee the Organization will work out a good plan to implement and assess candidate from all corners.  

The important step in selection of a candidate is  to plan well prior to recruitment to meet the Organization's needs in the times to come. If the candidate surpasses the main hurdle of qualification, then the person will be analyzed for other qualities like care, intelligence, mathematical as well as calculating power, alertness, cooperative nature, obedience, sincerity and honesty. 

A candidate to be analyzed for care because his vision towards the Organization should meet the Company's prescribed criteria to become alert in all the activities. Efficiency is another milestone to be analyzed properly because the efficiency of the employee should be worth to become Organization's asset.  Handling of the Organization's job with due diligence and care is to be most important in determining one person's capability in fulfilling the Organization's needs.  

The competitive world requires quick and efficient worker to handle the unexpected situations and he/ she will be able to over come the handle such situations.  The decision making power of an employee some times helps the Organization in one way or the other.  His contributions to the Organization will be worthwhile in deciding the future of the Organization.   An efficient worker can handle any type of situations comes on his/ her way.

Selection is the process of selecting an employee for a particular job. If selection is done with care and proper planning like calling a number of candidates together to attend a written test with the help of an outside agency well versed in preparing curriculum based exam paper which will prove worth to assess the candidates profile properly.  After the written test then comes the turn of Interview.  Normally interview are conducted by constituting a Committee consisting of Departmental Head where the employee is likely to be recruited.  If the interview is conducted with the help of an outside expert also will be fine for selection process to become more accurate.  Then comes the stage of calling the candidates for attending the interview.  The marks of the test and interview will be taken into consideration while selecting the employee to a specified post.   


Training and Development means training the employees and develop their skills to carryout the assigned job.  Every Organization must have a Training Department to look after the training needs of the Organization's employees.  This Training Department will oversee the training needs of an Organization.  In order to impart training to the newly joined employees upon joining in an Organization they will be handed over to the Training and Development Department where the training of the newly joined training are being undertaken.  The Training Manager will provide the schedule of training to the new joiner and they will be trained in the Training Department itself but for learning the job they will be sent to the concerned Department where the employee likely to join his regular duties in future.  Also they will be sent to other Departments also during the training period for learning the culture of the Organization and to introduce themselves with the other Departmental employees.  In order to recruit one employee antecedents reports are normally obtained for understanding the nature and behavior of the employee.  In every Organization such formalities are not required even though in some big Organizations such practices are prevalent.

It is a practice in Organizations to recruit employees from the campus itself, whenever job vacancies arises, in the starting of the year such formalities are normally completed for recruitment of new entrants to the Organizations.  Every Organiztion fixes some levels for the recruitment, according to that level the Organization recruit the employees.  Normally Engineers are hired from Professional Colleges and for Technical hands the recruitment may be from ITIs and Polytechnics.

When a new Organization establishes, there is a need of bulk recruitment for which Open Interview are held to select suitable employees for the desired posts. Prior to recruitment of an employee Designation of the employee should be decided so that the work can be assigned according to his designations.  The pay packages for the employee should be handsome if there is campus recruitment because the students leaving the Engineering colleges first search in the internet about the pay packets of the Organizations only after that they agree or respond to the campus interview.

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