A well formed and nurtured Organization is in need of minimum manpower to run the business of the Organization. Whether the organization is setup for social purpose or not, for the conduct of the daily routine jobs manpower with some good caliber is required.  When a candidate join the Organization as its employee to cater to the needs of carrying out these jobs may or may not have sufficient work experience of working in any other organizations. But to bring them to the natural work flow these new joiners are to be trained with regard to the Organization's culture and values.  These culture and values are to be inculcated into the employees worth.  

Every Organization is setup with a motive of making profit in normal case there may be exceptions when we consider the Social Organizations which will make up the society's face value.  Social Organizations are set up with an objective of implementing welfare schemes among the residents of a particular area, village or town.  Lack of Organizational values will result in failure of an Organization.  Therefore, every setup has some good active and motivating people behind it to support for its growth.

Sudden change in the working culture may or may not adversely the employee's capabilities and the resulted outcome will be reduced to a certain extend.  In such conditions, these employees are needs to be trained according to the Organization's requirements.  When an Accountant joins an Organization, he may have the experience of working in any other Organization from where he joins but the new Organization's culture and concepts to be imparted to the new employee to train him / her to work according the current Organization's needs.

General it is considered worth to note that, an Organization for making profit is not at all bothered about the welfare at the first instance they are only aimed at profit making for that they also implement some welfare schemes but in the meantime they will extract this excess burden by assigning the employees with extra jobs.  

It has been heard from some one who is close to me that one boss may think of assigning additional jobs when you got promoted to the next higher grade or level.  So the thinking of the Boss is best in nature but the employee may opt out of the promotion himself by disagreeing with assigning more jobs.  This attitude depends on the employee and employer relationship.  Every Organization or every worker will not think like this, there may be differences in Organizations according to the attitude of the employees.  

Organizational Training and Workshops :

In order to smoothen the working of an Organization, the setting up of a good training Department is essential, as there are chances of misbehavior from the employees, in order to train them to keep away from such indiscipline, it is necessary for an establishment to keep an eye view on the employee and he should be well trained and make him understood of the rules and regulations pertaining to the Organization.  Every Organization may have framed some rules and regulations with regard to behavior and discipline to be kept in Organizations' and this rules and regulations pertaining to Organization should be distributed among the employees if it is possible to get it printed.  Some Organization may frame Standing Orders for workers and some other may frame Service Rules for officers all these are dependent on the structure of the Organization and its size.

OD is an important step in guiding the employees towards success orientation, in order to implement the OD a consultant from outside the Organization would be sufficient and it would be a change to the employee from the routine.  Therefore, such a setup will make the employees aware of the do's and do not's.  The person who has been deputed for the purpose of OD should have some past experience in the field so that he can explain the employees about the Organization and its background.

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